lördag 9 maj 2009

Richard C Cook

Richard C Cook skriver numera regelbundet på en blogg. Här ett par klipp från senaste veckan.

6 maj:
The American Monetary Act may be viewed and downloaded from the AMI website at http://www.monetary.org/American_Monetary_Act_version_10_feb_06.htm.

The main thrust of the act is to replace the bank-centered debt-based monetary system with the direct creation of money by the federal government which would spend it into circulation as was done with the Greenbacks of the latter part of the 19th century.

The money would be spent on all types of legislated government requirements but would focus on infrastructure improvements, including education and health care. The act not only would create a new monetary supply denominated in U.S. Treasury notes, but would rebuild our job base which has been outsourced to other nations by the globalist corporations and big financial interests.

The American Monetary Act would put a stop to the travesties of the bank-controlled monetary system that has wrecked what was once the world’s greatest industrial democracy. In addition to reintroducing the Greenbacks, the act would eliminate fractional reserve banking by requiring banks to borrow money from the U.S. Treasury to bring their cash reserves up to the level of their lending portfolio rather than allowing them to continue to create money “out of thin air.” The banks would no longer be able to create trillions of dollars of credit, backed by nothing, which they use to fuel the speculative equities, hedge fund, and derivative markets.
The world today is headed for a dark age of debt-slavery and ruinous poverty for much of the world’s population, including working people in the U.S.

The only way a catastrophe can be averted is for mankind to wake up and demand the creation of a new monetary system where money and credit are treated as a public utility. This means that money and credit should serve the needs of the producing economy while assuring a decent living and sufficient income for everyone.

7 maj:
One thing is certain: the conspirators who today desire to enslave humanity for their own ambitions have tools to do so never before seen, including advanced weaponry, sophisticated snooping technology, and the power of computers. But have they overreached themselves? The people of the world are waking up. Maybe the would-be controllers, who are, after all, just parasites, aren’t so smart after all.

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